Saturday, September 5, 2009

Heartace Remedy

How to ease the pain of a break-up? With women, it's quite simple: go shopping! There's nothing that makes you feel better than to come home with a new pair of jeans, two pairs of shoes, a couple of earrings and a necklace. To spent money lavishly. To bury yourself in the excitement of entering a store, putting something on that's new and diferent and to feel satisfied when you pay your new items at the cash register. And it helps.


Heartace can't be solved by shopping or any of the stereo-typical things that are always portrayed in movies and books. It does take your mind off of your pain, but when you come home, you won't feel different. Maybe a bit ashamed about the money you spent, but other than that you're in the same hell as you had been before. Crying your eyes out reliefs you of some stress, but it is truly horrible to be walking around with watery eyes.

The only way to cure you from the pain is through time. It is the simple truth and a very painful one. Who doesn't wish, when you're lying in your bed, having very vivid images of your lover in your head and feeling your heart yearn with desire and love, to have those feelings be ripped out of you? To have the pain stopped. To make the hole in your chest whole again, not broken, preferbably not even bruised, but one piece again. The one and only way to fulfill that wish is through time. Accept the heartace you've got, work with it, break down occasionally if you must, but don't force your way out of the pain. It is okay to drown in your feelings sometimes, talk to some one who can comfort you, make them listen to you for once.

I'm not expert at these kind of subjects. I'm just getting started, really. But there's one thing I do know. If you don't give your heart time to heal, if you lock it in a box. It will break free and come back for you in the end. And then you're in real trouble.

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