Thursday, March 5, 2009

Curious little thing

There's this curious little thing called time.

Time, apparently, can heal all wounds, will make us forget things and indicates that life has moved on.
In the last month I've experienced the differences in time. Time moving very slowly and time moving akwardly fast. So fast, you start to fear you'll never live.
For instance, I have my finals coming up in May and that's only two months away! Yet, a month ago, I was totally relaxed, 'Oooh! I've got enough time!' NOT! Welcome to the harsh reality of time!

But I also experienced slow time. And no, I wasn't bored. For two wonderful weeks I had done so many things, seen so many people, talked so much in one day that it seemed to last forever. True, I went to bed late and up, somewhat, early, so I probably had five more hours in a day than I usually had, but those week in my memory seem to stretch over a lifetime, rather than just two week. A long sentence, I know, but it is just so strange to live a life that usually has weeks flying by and now, having had two whole weeks which seemed to be months! In a good way, mind you.

Now, life is back to the way it was, a new friend is the only difference, but seriously, I had the time of my life!


  1. These times then make lovely memories that fill more time.

  2. Interesting post about time, I had my own thoughts about it in my last post. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. Nice to see your new blog. Welcome.
