Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Warning: Horror ahead!

Warning: The following is not meant for anyone with a weak stomach, who gets nightmare easily or is scared quickly in general. Be warned!

I screamed. Blood was pouring out of the skies like tears flowing over a cheek, the sewars boiled up blood red eyes, the tree leafs were replaced with recently cut off ears, blood dripping from the earlobes, beheaded zombies raised their bloodied arms and started to creep forward. I backed away as quickly as I could. I ran into a alley with no way out..
The walls were like gushing rivers of human insides. I surpressed the urge to vomit and I swallowed the fear that had gotten a hold of my body, that had climbed up my throat, that was paralyzing my tongue.
The zombies closed in on me. They were only five foot away from me, hauling rickling iron shackles, making growling noises. They stopped four foot away from me. Just one zombie continued to creep forward, crouched to the ground, progressing slowly. His clothes were ripped apart and I saw red stains on his skin. His skin was not only red, but also brownish, grenish and purplish. Like it had been thrown of a tall building.
Completly bruised and broken.
The dicapitated corpse was limping closer, holding a bloody chainsaw, which snarled furiously.
He heaved the dripping thing over the place where his head was suppose to be and I shrank back. I tripped over a dead body lying behind me. I did not take the time to look at the face, did not bother to think of who it might be. I crawled back to my feet and tried to search for an opening in the wall. The zombie stepped forward and held the chainsaw further above the empty spot that once had held a face. I saw him coming. I couldn't make a sound. I was too terrified. The chainsaw flashed forward as I raised my hands to protect my face. How useless.

"Honey! Honey! Wake up!" My lover's face was only inches away from mine, looking anxious. Thank god, it was only a nightmare. Still shaking from the intensity, I snuggled closer into his arms.

The end.

No, this wasn't a real dream of mine. I just wrote this down during a boring class. I've edited the original a bit (so this is the edited part).


  1. OMG child! Perhaps the cold, dark winter has gotten the best of you.;)

  2. Maybe it has :P. But I don't think it was the cold, dark winter :P because I had written this in November or, no wait! It was december :P So yeah, maybe the cold, dark winter got a hold of me :P
